17th Feb ’18 became a remarkable day for Sainik School Kodagu as it became the venue for the conduct of Capacity Building Programme for the first time since the inception of the school. It was a day’s programme conducted by Centre of Excellence, CBSE, Kakinada. 45 teachers participated in the workshop among them 20 teachers were of Jnanaganga Residential School.
The Capacity Building Programme was on Remodelled Structure of Assessment introduced by CBSE this year. Mr Manoj Kumar Tiwari was the Resource person of this programme. Mr Manoj is the Principal of Maharshi Centre of Excellence, Bangalore. The Venue Director Sqn Ldr D Mathew, Officiating Principal delivered an opening address and welcomed the resource person.
The programme started with the invocation of God. The teachers of Jnanaganga Residential School presented a prayer song. The training was divided into two sessions .The first was an introductory session for all and the next session was subject based. It was followed by a group wise presentation and discussion by the teachers. All teachers participated enthusiastically.The training was enlightening and fruitful.