Leave application format

F/O or M/O..Cdt,...............
Roll no...........

22 April 2023

The Principal
Sainik School Kodagu
Kudige PO
Kodagu Dist
Karnataka 571232

Subject: Application for Leave

Respected Sir,

I would like to apply for leave for my son /daughter /ward Cdt............Roll no.....of ........House from..........(date)......to .......................
as ............................. ...........(reason). Please grant me leave for......days on the above mentioned dates.

Thank you,

Yours Sincerely,

(Your Name)
Mobile number of the Parent

Reach Us

Sainik School Kodagu
Village & Post Kudige
Kushalnagar Taluk
Kodagu District
Karnataka- 571232
Off. 08276 - 201005